Got bill shock?

Got bill shock?

If you’ve recently opened your energy bill to discover a cost much higher than you were expecting to pay you’re in the right place. There are many reasons why your bill may be much higher than usual but we’ve listed a few of the common reasons below to help you in your efforts to discover why your most recent bill is much higher than the last.

Your Home Isn’t Energy Efficient

An energy insufficient home can often lead to an increased energy bill. Insulation issues such as improperly sealed doors, un-insulated roofs and single glazed windows can allow hot and cold air to escape leading to more energy being used to heat up or cool down your home. Appliances being left to charge or left on standby can also use a huge amount of energy. Some quick ways to cut down on your energy usage:

  • To reduce the energy used by your air conditioner to cool your home, ensure curtains are closed on sunny days to stop the sun’s rays from heating your home.
  • On cold days, don’t heat your entire home, only turn the heat on in rooms that are occupied and ensure doors are closed to reduce heat escaping.
  • Always turn appliances off fully as electrical items left on standby will still use energy.

See more of our energy saving tips here.

Something has Changed Since Your Previous Bill

Lifestyle or household changes that result in changes to energy consumption can often alter gas and electricity bills. Think back to your last bill, has any of the following occurred? If so, they may be the reason why your bill is higher than usual.

  • You’ve had guests – have you had friends or family to stay since your last bill? It will come as no surprise that more occupants in your home will use more energy which could explain the increase in energy bill.
  • You’ve bought a new appliance – a new purchase for the home can be an exciting time, but additional electronic goods can also consume more energy than you expected.
  • It has been unseasonably hot or cold – if the weather has taken a dramatic turn since your last bill, chances are you’ll have been using more energy to heat or cool your home than you were during your last billing period.

There is a Problem With Your Meter

This is unlikely, however if there is a problem with your energy meter it may not be recording your energy consumption correctly which could explain your unexpectedly high bill. If you think your energy meter may be faulty, you can ask your energy retailer to find out for you, however if it turns out that the fault is not the meter your retailer may charge you for having it checked.

You’re not On The Best Tariff For Your Needs

It is not uncommon that both businesses and homes are on energy tariffs unsuitable for their needs. If this sounds familiar and you’re considering switching your gas or electricity suppliers why not get in touch with us at Make It Cheaper? We take the hassle out of switching energy retailers to get the best deal for you.

Looking to save on your business energy bill?

We find savings for 4 out of 5 businesses. See how much your business could save.

Electricity & gas tips when moving house

Electricity & gas tips when moving house

Moving home is one of the most stressful times – relocating your entire life to somewhere new. That’s why we aim to take one less worry off your plate by making sure you get connected to the right energy retailer – and easily.

It’s not always just about cost. It’s making sure you don’t sign up to a new deal with the wrong contractual terms, whilst ensuring you receive cheap rates on your final bill.

Your new energy connections come down to timings, and not leaving it too late. Whilst some retailers might be able to help you within 24hrs, others cannot. We ensure you have the choice in who to switch to and get you thinking about planning your electricity and gas connection in advance of moving in.

Before opting for the local energy retailer and being locked into an uncompetitive contract, make sure you speak to Make It Cheaper, the experts at comparing suppliers who offer gas and electricity bundle deals. Our Savings Experts will find you the best deal from those available to us for you from our network of energy retailers for your new home.

Get your move on

The good news is that moving home is actually the perfect time to re-assess your current electricity and gas plan and find a better deal for your new place. The trick is starting early, so you can choose the right energy plan, and time your upcoming disconnection and reconnection so they take place on the right days.

Connect your new home’s gas and electricity

When you’re ready to switch, Make It Cheaper will organise the changeover process so you have one less thing to do on moving day. This means we take care of all the paperwork, plus we’ll contact your current and new supplier to inform them of the changeover and organise final meter readings. Our team will keep you updated along the way so you can track the switching process. And most importantly, we’ll do everything we can to make sure your electricity connections are timed to match your moving dates.

Moving tips

  • Start early. Give yourself a good six to eight weeks before moving day to plan your gas and electricity reconnection.
  • Do your research. Make It Cheaper will help you compare plans and prices so you find the best energy deal possible
  • Get connected quickly and easily. We’ll do the paperwork and organise the gas and electricity changeover so all you have to do is move in. Easy!
5 Tips To Save Your Business From Energy Price Rises

5 Tips To Save Your Business From Energy Price Rises

Every year on July 1 most energy retailers will change their energy rates for Australian businesses in New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.

So what steps can you take to start saving money for your business?

1. Replace bulbs

Quality LED light bulbs last 5 to 10 times longer than halogen light bulbs and consume 25% of the energy to produce the same light output.

2. Check the stars 

If you’re looking to introduce or replace outdated appliances in your business it’s key to check the power star rating. Invest in appliances and devices that are as energy-efficient as possible.

3. Standby

From monitors to laptop chargers – devices on ‘standby’ may be responsible for up to 10% of your business energy consumption. Take charge of energy efficiency in your office and ask your team to unplug overnight.

4. Use the sun

Solar energy is a clean, free, and renewable energy source. Solar panels might require an investment up front but that cost can be recovered within few years if solar energy is used to its full extent. There are also solar rebates in some areas that you might be able to take advantage of.

5. Compare and save

When was the last time you compared your business energy rates? Make it Cheaper provides a free comprehensive service that enables you to find if there are cheaper energy rates for your business. It’s quick, simple, and completely free service. Make it Cheaper also compares energy companies that offer carbon offset solutions too- so you get to be green & save money on your energy bills.

Get a free energy review

Take the next step to securing cheaper energy for your business and talk to one of our energy experts today.

Should You Turn Off Lights When You Leave The Room?

Should You Turn Off Lights When You Leave The Room?

There’s a lot of debate about whether it’s better to flick off the switch or leave lights running when you leave a room. A debate that’s particularly of interest if you regularly compare electricity and gas prices – or are looking into electricity plans with the hope of finding the best electricity deals.

Some say turning off lights lowers what you’re charged from your electricity plan, while others argue the energy consumed when they start up means you’re better off leaving them on.

It turns out the answer to this question depends on the bulb used, so here’s a breakdown explaining which lights are best left on, or off. And how that might affect your electricity plan from utility providers.

Incandescent lights

These older lights are the most costly and inefficient on the market, so they should always be switched off when you’re not using them. What’s more, they’re probably the type you should avoid altogether if you’re counting the figures on your electricity plan.

Only 10 per cent of the energy they emit transfers to light, while the other 90 per cent converts to heat. Plus, they don’t need any extra time to hit maximum brightness, so there is no initial surge of power needed. This means you don’t have to worry about switching them off. This won’t impact your bill – so go right ahead.


Compact fluorescent lights, despite being more energy efficient, are often believed to use more energy upon start up than other lights.

So, should you switch them off when you exit a room? Would it impact the bills you get from electricity retailers and power providers? Let’s find out.

The actual cost of turning one on is minimal – as the inrush current only lasts 1/120th of a second. This uses the same amount of electricity as only a few seconds of normal operation.

Put simply, turning these lights on and off won’t affect your energy bill from utility providers and electricity companies that much. Just remember, these types of bulbs have an operating life. This means their lifespan can be extended by reducing the amount of times you switch them on and off.

Therefore, the best way to ensure you get the most out of your CFL lighting is to turn them off if you plan on leaving the room for more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you can leave them glowing.

LED lighting

One of the simplest ways to cut energy costs is to upgrade to LED lights. According to Energy Makeovers, Australia’s most trusted energy efficient experts, upgrading old lights to LEDs can decrease your energy bills by as much as 85%.

This type of lighting is energy efficient and has a long operating life, so you can get away with switching these lights on and off as you like – without having to worry about electricity prices and whether it’s worth the leap to actually change electricity providers.

LED lights also turn on with no delay and instantly hit full brightness –so you can flick them off when you leave a room without any concerns. Rest assured, your utility provider won’t hit you with a nasty surprise for doing so. Your electricity plan and it’s pricing is pretty safe.

These bulbs are also less likely to break – as they don’t have a fuse or any glass components, meaning they can handle vibrations.

If you’re concerned about rising electricity prices, changing your light bulbs to more energy efficient models may help you reduce the amount you pay to energy suppliers, because around 11 per cent of your bill goes towards keeping your house lit.

If you’re looking for more ways to reduce your energy consumption, check out Energy Makeovers site for more tips. Since its inception, Energy Makeovers have helped over 250,000 Australian households and business owners save over $45million in reduced electricity costs and are always happy to offer advice to consumers looking for ways to reduce their power consumption.

Get a free energy review

Still concerned? Make it Cheaper can help you compare power and gas, and even switch utility providers should we find you better electricity deals. We’ll connect you with the best electricity providers and best electricity prices so you can sleep soundly (no matter whether the light is on, or off!).

To find out how much you could save on your energy bill call us on 1300 957 721

Looking to save on your business energy bill?

We find savings for 4 out of 5 businesses. See how much your business could save.

Christmas Energy Saving Tips

Christmas Energy Saving Tips

Christmas can be an expensive time of year. From extra fuel consumption when visiting friends and family to buying gifts for loved ones, it can sometimes seem as though it is impossible to make savings or cut backs at this time of year. Fortunately this isn’t the case, and with a few handy tips on reducing your energy consumption you can actually save a few dollars over the festive season.

As an early gift to you, we at Make It Cheaper have put together a short list of some really easy energy saving tips you can put in place over Christmas time to help you reduce your energy consumption and lower those festive bills.

Energy Saving Tip #1 Deck The Halls with LED Lights

Choose LED or solar powered lights when decorating your home this Christmas LED lighting uses less than half the amount of electricity than standard lighting so by making this simple change you can reap the benefits when your energy bill arrives at the end of December. Make sure to buy good quality lights, too, as they can be used for years to come!

Energy Saving Tip #2 Spend Time ‘Unplugged’

Christmas is a time for friends and family, so make sure you take the time to unplug and spend some good quality time together! Whether you choose to head outdoors and enjoy the weather or fancy a night at home there are plenty of things you can do without using energy. Don’t forget to unplug televisions and computers from the wall socket when enjoying your time unplugged, as electrical goods kept on standby still drain electricity.

Energy Saving Tip #3 Fan Vs. Air Conditioner

At this time of year, temperatures can soar and it can be very tempting to keep the air conditioning on all day. However there is no need, give the air conditioner a break for a while and plug in a fan instead. Fans use a lot less electricity than an air conditioning unit so this can really decrease your energy bills.

Energy Saving Tip #4 Choose Energy Efficient Gifts

If you’re buying a loved one an electrical gift this Christmas, don’t leave them with a big bill at the end of each month in 2016! Make sure you check the energy star rating of any electrical goods before you buy them and choose an energy efficient model.

Energy Saving Tip #5 Let Us Treat You to a Cheaper Energy Tariff

For savings on your energy bill all year round, why not give us a call? In less time that it takes to hang up a string of lights you could be on track to save up to $315* on your electricity and gas bills. To find out more about how our free service tailored to you can help you save both time and money when switching energy suppliers why not request a quote?