It’s now even easier to save money on your household utility bills with very little effort or expense. Not only will you reduce the cost of home electricity but you’ll also improve your green credentials and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are the top energy saving tips from Make it Cheaper
Pay attention to the stars
When purchasing large electrical or gas items ensure you pay attention to the energy rating labels found on all air-conditioners, water heaters, room heaters, fridges, freezers and dishwashers,. These labels use a star system to grade efficiency, they also estimate how much power the appliance is likely to consume in a year. This should give you an idea of the running costs.
Watch the degrees
Choose an air-conditioning system suitable for the size of space you are trying to cool. Set the air conditioner to thermostat to 24 degrees or higher in summer and 21 degrees in winter. Every 1 degree increase in thermostat setting in winter will use 15% more energy. Every 1 degree decrease in summer will use 10% more energy.
Clean or replace heater and air-conditioner filters regularly, following manufacturer’s instructions.
Become a fan of fans
Install ceiling fans as a very cost effective alternative to air-conditioners. Ceiling fans run at a fraction of the price (2 to 3 cents per hour) of air conditioners and can provide a welcome relief on a hot day.
Switch your light bulbs
Using energy efficient light bulbs can reduce the amount of energy used by up to 80%. Incandescent lighting uses 80% more power when compared to Compact Fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs which also last 8 times longer.
Review your fridge and freezer
When purchasing a fridge or freezer, ensure you buy one suitable for its purpose. Over filling or under filling a fridge / freezer leads to inefficiencies and greater energy consumption. Position freezers and fridges out of direct light and defrost regularly to avoid build-up of ice. Check the seals on doors and closing mechanisms are all in good condition.
Maintain gas appliances
Maintain your gas appliances to ensure there is no leakage. Not only is this very dangerous, it will contribute to your home gas bills. Make sure you turn off gas heaters when you are not home as heating empty rooms wastes energy. Only heat areas that are being used frequently. There’s no point heating an area that’s rarely used (storage rooms, cleaning rooms etc).
Insulate the ceiling and walls of your house. This will keep your house retain heat as well as keeping your house cool in the summer.
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Moving home is one of the most stressful times – relocating your entire life to somewhere new. That’s why we aim to take one less worry off your plate by making sure you get connected to the right energy retailer – and easily.
It’s not always just about cost. It’s making sure you don’t sign up to a new deal with the wrong contractual terms, whilst ensuring you receive cheap rates on your final bill.
Your new energy connections come down to timings, and not leaving it too late. Whilst some retailers might be able to help you within 24hrs, others cannot. We ensure you have the choice in who to switch to and get you thinking about planning your electricity and gas connection in advance of moving in.
Before opting for the local energy retailer and being locked into an uncompetitive contract, make sure you speak to Make It Cheaper, the experts at comparing suppliers who offer gas and electricity bundle deals. Our Savings Experts will find you the best deal from those available to us for you from our network of energy retailers for your new home.
Get your move on
The good news is that moving home is actually the perfect time to re-assess your current electricity and gas plan and find a better deal for your new place. The trick is starting early, so you can choose the right energy plan, and time your upcoming disconnection and reconnection so they take place on the right days.
Connect your new home’s gas and electricity
When you’re ready to switch, Make It Cheaper will organise the changeover process so you have one less thing to do on moving day. This means we take care of all the paperwork, plus we’ll contact your current and new supplier to inform them of the changeover and organise final meter readings. Our team will keep you updated along the way so you can track the switching process. And most importantly, we’ll do everything we can to make sure your electricity connections are timed to match your moving dates.
Moving tips
Start early. Give yourself a good six to eight weeks before moving day to plan your gas and electricity reconnection.
Do your research. Make It Cheaper will help you compare plans and prices so you find the best energy deal possible
Get connected quickly and easily. We’ll do the paperwork and organise the gas and electricity changeover so all you have to do is move in. Easy!
Sometimes it can feel like a waiting game for the right time to start searching for a new energy supplier. In fact there are plenty of times when switching your gas or electricity supplier is ideal to ensure you are paying the best available rate. Here are a few times when it’s a great idea to begin looking at switching your gas or electricity suppliers.
At the end of your current contract
If your home energy contract is due for renewal it is the perfect time to begin looking at switching your supplier and comparing tariffs to ensure you are paying the best available rate. If your contract rolls over with your current supplier you may be put on their standard rate tariff, which often won’t be their cheapest. To avoid this rise in your energy costs it is important to compare tariffs and suppliers before the end of your contract, ensuring you have time to switch before your contract rolls over.
When moving home
Moving house can be a stressful time and arriving at your new home to find no energy supply or an expensive bill can really add to that stress. If you’re moving house soon it’s a good idea to begin comparing energy tariffs for your new home early on to ensure you have a gas and electricity supply when you move in and that you won’t be hit with an unexpected bill.
If you haven’t switched in a while
Can you remember the last time you compared energy suppliers? If not, then it’s probably time to check that you’re still on the correct energy tariff. If your household usage has changed or your energy supplier has altered their prices you may be paying more than you should for your utilities.
You just want to make sure you’re getting the best deal
None of us want to pay more than we need to, especially when it comes to monthly bills and outgoings. If you’re taking a look at your personal finances, it can certainly be worth comparing energy costs to see if you are able to get a better deal. It’s worth bearing in mind, however, that if you are still in contract with your current supplier and decide to switch, you may incur a cancellation fee.
If you think that now is the time to switch your home gas or electricity provider to check that you are getting the best deal available, why not get in touch with us at Make It Cheaper and see how we can help. We look forward to saving you money on your household utility bills.
Do you wish your energy bills were lower? Utilities have never been more expensive in Australia than they are today. Fortunately, there are a number of low- or no-cost steps you can take to save money and help the planet.
How to Save on Water
In some parts of the country, water is one of the most expensive costs you can have. To save money on your water bills, rinse and wash laundry with cold water, and whenever possible, only run full loads.
Instead of using water to rinse off your plates, use a fork or knife to scrape off food residue. Check your toilets, taps, and water pipes for leaks and fix any that you find.
For a few bucks, you can save on water costs by installing water-saving tap aerators and shower heads. When you are shaving or brushing your teeth, turn the tap off. Hot water is extra expensive because it uses gas for heating and water.
And, the biggest use of hot water is your shower. So, use a timer to track your shower time and reduce it.
Saving on Heating and Cooling Costs
Staying warm in the winter and keeping it cool in the summer can be a real strain on your wallet. There are some basic ways to adapt your home to make it more habitable when weather conditions cause problems.
These tips should make it easier to cover your electric and gas utilities:
Leave blinds and window shades open during the daytime to use the sun to heat your home in the winter. Keep the heat in by closing your window coverings at night.
Keep air flowing freely by keeping objects, such as furniture, from blocking your registers. Also, vacuum your air vents regularly.
If there is little floor insulation in your house, you can retain heat and add comfort by using rugs to cover bare floors.
Use ceiling fans to keep air circulating in the summer to keep you cool and to push hot air down in the winter.
Save energy by installing a smart thermostat that can automatically adjust your home’s temperature.
Help your heater and air conditioner work at peak efficiency by regularly replacing or cleaning filters.
Reflect heat away from your home by using light-color window coverings. You can also reduce the heat entering your home with low-emission films applied to your windows.
Author: Jackie Edwards
To find out how much you could save on your energy bill, call us on 1300 957 721
The outdoors, whether on the deck, the back lawn or the terrace, have always been a major part of Australian culture.
It’s a place to relax with friends and family whilst sharing drinks, sausages, steaks and stories.
Our indigenous people have always cooked their food outside, and that method has evolved to what it is today. Except they were much more efficient with their energy – they didn’t even have electricity, let alone the option of making an electricity comparison!
With regard to the high electricity prices, here are some tips on reducing your energy consumption outdoors.
The centre piece of any Australian outdoor area, where dreams can be deliciously fried or horribly burnt.
According to the Department of Industry and Science (DIS), regardless of what fuel you’re using (gas, charcoal or wood), by cooking with the lid down you will use much less energy as the BBQ will retain the heat that is produced.
If you are looking at buying a new BBQ, make sure you do your research and go for one that suits your needs. If there is just two people in your household for example, there’s no point getting a large one as you will be using more energy to heat up the bigger grill.
The Caboolture Shire Council recommends planting strategically placed trees and shrubs that allow the sun to filter through in the winter, but then provide shade in the summer. This can reduce the need for heating and cooling in your home.
Lighting is a common suspect when it comes to energy efficiency. The Department of Energy and Water Supply suggests using energy-efficient lights, motion sensors and solar lights where possible. According to the DIS, the majority of homes in Australia could become over 50 per cent more efficient with lighting energy by simply using modern bulbs.
Garden tools
Consider putting away your lawnmower, hedge trimmer and leaf blower and doing the work manually instead. Not only will it be much quieter for your neighbours, it will also be more energy efficient. As an added bonus, your body will benefit from the elbow grease too.
If you are serious about saving money, the first thing you should do is talk to the experts at Make It Cheaper. They will compare electricity prices from Australia’s leading energy suppliers before setting you up to benefit from the best rates. What’s more, it’s all completely free.
Posted by Nikki Wilson-Everett
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