Business Energy
Business electricity explained

Business electricity explained

Many businesses may find themselves wondering how exactly their rates are calculated, how they stack up against residential prices, what energy retailers are available in their area and most importantly, how can they get a great deal for their business. Since we believe the process of finding cheaper business energy should be easy and quick, we’ve answered all these questions for you below.

Business Energy Saving Tips

Business Energy Saving Tips

Using Make it Cheaper’s expert service to find a better deal for your business energy is one way to help cut the cost you pay for gas and electricity and add welcome dollars to your bottom line, but you should also look to reduce your energy usage wherever possible.

5 money saving tips for your warehouse

5 money saving tips for your warehouse

When you take rising electricity prices into account, keeping capital costs for utilities low can be difficult, a factor that can be lethal for the profitability of a small or medium sized enterprise. Implementing the most economical and effective measures to reduce energy is therefore crucial. With that in mind, here are five tips to help you cut down on electricity consumption in your company’s warehouse.